Maintenance management
All landlords management
Advice for the conservation of the building through a maintenance plan and an agile groundworks management. Furthermore, optimising the expenses is the biggest concern of our team.
Com el podem ajudar?
Legal management
- Preparation and custody of the book of minutes and book of the building
- Legal advice on real estate issues
- Compliance control of current legal regulations
- Compliance control of labor regulations
- Own work management
- Selection of specific personnel
- Management and prevention of occupational hazards
Economic Management
- Presentation of tax models [VAT, IRPF, 347, 184 ...]
- Preparation budget administration
- Liquidations fund forecast, reserve fund and spills
- Issuance and collection of all types of receipts
- Agile incident resolution
- ITE management
- Building improvement works management [facades, etc.]
- Maintenance plan for property’s life cycle
- Study of the possibility of subsidies
What makes us stand out
We offer a service backed by our more than 80 years of experience as professionals in the real estate sector.
We work quickly and carefully to address your issues with the utmost speed and satisfaction.
Human approach
We work with people, which is why we are cordial and attentive in our management, always looking out for their needs.